So you want to be a Big Hollow board member…

Time commitment:  One meeting per month, generally lasting 1-2 hours.  Committee/sub-committee meetings also occur as needed, with commitments of 1-2 hours per month.  Attendance is essential for involvement; if you miss more than three meetings per year, you may be asked to resign from the Board.  There is also often regular correspondence through email to address time sensitive issues.  

Expected Issues/activities:  Big Hollow is growing!  The Board is not directly involved in the day-to-day management of the store (Go “Team Marla”), but determining the mission and direction of the store is the responsibility of the Board.  Some issues that will need to be addressed in the near future include:

  1. Sustainability – Big Hollow’s commitment to sustainability requires greater attention now that the existence of the store itself is more secure.
  2. Expansion – We are actively exploring different opportunities to provide more space and higher quality facilities to our members and employees.
  3. Equity – The Board always seeks to further engage and serve low income and student customers.

Key skills needed: Although all with passion and a commitment to the Big Hollow mission are welcome, we are especially in need of legal, construction, accounting, and computer skills on the Board.

How:  First, you obviously must be a member-in-good-standing of Big Hollow.  Board members are directly elected by the membership, and three seats are available this year.  To run, you need to submit a formal indication your interest to Milton Geiger, Board Chair (an email or letter is acceptable – see details below).  You are asked to provide a 150 word or less biographical sketch to help inform the membership about your skills and vision.  The deadline to submit your candidacy is 5 pm on on Friday, February 16th.         

Other ways to be involved:  If serving as a Board member is not your cup of loose-leaf tea, then members are also invited to serve on sub-committees, including:

  • Outreach
  • Elections
  • Expansion

Please feel free to contact Andy Arnette, Board Chair, with any questions or concerns at [email protected].

Please submit applications to:

Big Hollow Foods, Inc.

119 South 1st St.

Laramie, Wyoming 82070


[email protected]

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