Meet Matt and Gina Sigel of Black Market Farm located in Centennial, WY. Twelve years ago, Matt and his family decided to leave Chicago, buy a ranch in WY, and assimilate into the wild west. Gina is a Laramie native who grew up on a pig farm. It’s a match that works–the home-grown, thick-skinned WY native and the newcomer with an appreciation of the unique opportunities that this vast, open landscape offers for both human and animals to roam free. Together they’ve born and raised not just a family, but a thriving ranch and business.
Producing meat through Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) was not the original plan. But, as they started to practice rotational grazing and shared their beef with family and friends, everyone noticed a marked difference in the taste and quality of what they were eating. They wanted more…and more…fast forward ten years and they are producing grass-fed beef and pasture-raised chickens, turkeys and pork that are 100% natural, 100% loved, and 100% available to everyone.
Here’s what is important to know about Black Market Farm:
- They are the only meat producers in the area that practice rotational grazing. This sustainable practice has many environmental benefits including increasing soil fertility and forage production, reducing overgrazing and improving land and animal health. Read more about it HERE.
- They raise natural, local meat. No hormones or antibiotics and on natural pasture in the environment nature intended. Happy and healthy animals means good tasting meat. Read more about how they raise their animals HERE.
- Pastured Meats Health Benefits include more vitamin D in the pork and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acid (a type of fat that’s thought to reduce heart disease and cancer risks) & antioxidant vitamins, such as vitamin E in grassfed beef. LEARN MORE
- Community: Their emphasis on community is highlighted through farm-to-table events and creating a place for members to connect, both to each other and to their food. LEARN MORE
- Personal Relationship: Black Market Farm emphasizes a personal relationship with food through farm tours, volunteer opportunities and home deliveries to meet your food producers. From their homestead to yours. Here’s how their community supported agriculture (CSA) model works: